Importing related tables from Bubble


Hello - I am new to this platform. Have been reading and watching tutorials and ready to jump in.

I have an established site on Bubble and would like to move the DB over to Xano. The unique identifier in Bubble is a text field and the id field in Xano must be an integer.

Is it possible to establish relationships on any other field than the built in id field? If so I can import the data and just use the Bubble generated ids as the related fields.

Thanks in advance - am excited to get this setup.

Thank you



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @RayInBC - you can definitely use an external ID to do things like Addons, etc. in Xano to help query related data. Things definitely become a bit more cohesive with the internal Xano id and table reference fields. That being said, I'd definitely bring the Bubble ID into Xano. You can use it to create Xano internal table references, here's an example of how you might do so:

  • RayInBC
    RayInBC Member

    Hi Michael - thank you. I searched high and low for this without success. This is exactly what I need.

    In the longer term my tables will be created on the Xano backend. So new records will be created with the Xano id. Is there an efficient way to manage the phase out of these older links? Once the tables have been linked with the internal IDs can they also be linked using the Xano id field and remove the need for the Bubble ids?

    Thanks again your videos are very helpful.



  • nocodetalks
    nocodetalks Member ✭✭


    There is no direct way of doing it, but while exporting data from bubble , it gives you linked row unique id.

    So you can write the API to find that unique id and link it in Xano.

  • RayInBC
    RayInBC Member

    I went over the video provided by Michael again and I believe that once you perform the loop data in each table will be linked in the Xano DB using their id - so no more need for the external ID. Going forward I should be able to use the Xano DB for everything and drop the external reference.

    I'm going to test it out with a small dataset to prove it - but from what I see is that the initial referencing is all I will need to do.

    Appreciate your comments.
