Scheduling PDF Creation?

pete letkeman
pete letkeman Member
edited November 2022 in ? Transforming data

I have a page/site setup in WeWeb which has a button that uses HTML2PDF ( to create PDFs.

However, my requirement is to have PDFs created at a scheduled time and either save the PDF and/or Email the PDF.

How would you recommend I go about doing this?

I'm not afraid to use a different third-party API, which would you recommend?

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey @pete letkeman if I'm reading this correctly you have solved the PDF creation component. Now you're trying to understand how to schedule this? Scheduled jobs can be performed with background tasks - you can set these on a recurring schedule and have access to the function stack to either save the PDFs to your database or send them in an Email