Save token to current user


Hello, I often save my Xano token in local storage. But it has less performance.

I've seen everywhere that it's better to save the token in the current user, but that doesn't work for me. Do I need to do something with the privacy rules so that I can save the token in the current user without the user being logged in from Bubble?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    edited December 2022

    Hi @Prince NZANZU I'm not a Xano Bubble expert but I don't think the privacy settings come into play here. I might recommend you check out the Xano Connector Bubble Plugin that Eli launched a few weeks back. It should have authentication handled nicely in there.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    To be clear, @Michael Udinski is very much a Xano expert! (I suspect he meant he's not a bubble expert).

    The issue with performance in bubble and Xano is that the Bubble API connector runs on Bubble servers. That means making a call to Xano means your front end calls up Bubble's server, then the Bubble's server calls Xano, then Xano replies to Bubble's server and Bubble's server replies to you.

    Whew! That's a long trip!

    @Eli Beachy made the plugin to allow the front end to call Xano directly, cutting out those stops along the way. Cutting out the middleman for the transactions will make a much bigger difference in your performance than changing how you handle local credentials.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Thank you for that call out @Ray Deck 😂