How do you allow an app user to copy a record in their account?


Hey everyone!

I'm using Draftbit + Xano for my mobile app (iOS & Android) and am wondering if it's possible to allow a user to copy a record in their account.

Here's a use case:

A restaurant is using my app to share offers and events to attract customers. Offers/events live in the 'Incentive' table in Xano. Offers are related to the business location where the user created it from. Users currently have the ability to create a new offer and edit an offer, but cannot copy an offer. Copying an offer came up from customer feedback for a variety of use cases (Weekly happy hour on Tuesday from 4-7pm, recurring event, saving time creating a new offer that is similar to an existing one, etc.)

How would you best build this functionality?

Thank you!



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Jarryd Hensel one way I might consider implementing this is having an indicator of an event that is one-time versus a recurring event. You might accomplish this with an enum defining this or even just a boolean (true/false). So instead of needing to "copy" the the Tuesday happy hour every week, it'd be created once and set as a recurring event