Create zip file from database images


Hi there,

I have tables containing images or pdf files. Now I need to create a zip file from a set of these images so the user can download all in one file with one click.

I did not see a function for that in Xano so far, does someone know a trick or hidden feature for that (lambda?)


  • Sönke Manaré

    Hi guys,

    does somebody have any idea? I have the feeling that zips are not possible in xano so far, but still have some hop er for a Magic trick…

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Sönke Manaré you will want to look for a 3rd party service that you can use their API in order to do this. It's not supported in Xano, eventually, this is something that Lambdas would be able to handle but as of today it does not exist.

  • Sönke Manaré

    ok thank you for the update on this. I will now try to write a JavaScript snippet in the frontend for zipping a bunch of files downloaded from Xano. Saw some JS libs who would help with that. Let’s see if it works.

  • Ben -5225939

    @Sönke Manaré we have a similar challenge! How do you solve it? Eager to learn more about the solution you implemented. Thank you!

  • Sönke Manaré

    @Ben -5225939 I found some libraries who looked promising to do the zip with JavaScript in the frontend but in the end I found out that my third party Cloud Storage Provider where I am storing the files has an api to zip the content so I used that possibility.

    If you want to achieve it with JavaScript in the frontend it should be possible with JSzip library (but I never tried it unfortunately)