How to see response without "debug" button


i know we can use debug button to test external api response, but when i go to request history i cannot see my external api request.

How do i do this ? the reason is because i will be doing a lot of steps on functions stack and often i will need to go back to multiple previous api response.

With the current situation, i need to remember all response api path. Which is not possible for me.


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I recommend setting up an internal logging system in your Xano setup. Make a table (maybe "log") that contains some kind of label field (text) and a data field (json) to make it easy to dump in data. THen you can write to that table after events like the external API call to see what's inside. ALso good for performance tuning, since you will see the timestamps between events logged via the "created_at" timestamp.

    I make this recommendation for all nontrivial Xano implementations I see. Wrapping this concern in a function call makes it even easier and more flexible.

    We discuss introspection and managing complexity - including logging - routinely in our daily State Change Pro office hours.