Email / password reset with Bravo


Was wondering how other Bravo users where setting up their email password reset


  • evanwaller

    Hey Antonio,

    I would use the password reset snippet provided by Xano. It uses the third party service SendGrid. If you use this and need any help I can assist you.

    Tag me in the comments if you want help.


  • simeon
    simeon Member

    I just finished building a forgotten/reset password function for Bravo. I created a separate webapp that I link to from within my Bravo app. One page to request a magic link, one page that the magic link redirects to (which checks the token passed is valid), and then a third page where the user can update their password.

    Definitely moved beyond a no-code solution, but it's not overly complicated.

  • Ty
    Ty Member

    @evanwaller @simeon hi! I was wondering if you could please provide a link to some resources, or a step by step guide? Thanks in advance. I am new booth to Bravo and Xano. Managed the sign in and sign up steps so far, including a profile photo upload but not sure where to even begin with the password reset. Thanks

  • simeon
    simeon Member
    edited February 2023

    Hi @Ty

    Have you seen this snippet (and accompanying video)? That takes care of things on the Xano end. And then the rest of it I had to build outside of Bravo, using JavaScript. Each of the pages in my webapp calls one of the Xano API end points generated by that snippet.

  • Ty
    Ty Member

    @simeon , excellent, thank you so much!