Moving to firebase


Hi Guys,

Got to say that i love XANO however i am moving my app from Bravo to Flutterflow, and sadly that requires me to move my user table (for auth purposes) to Firebase.

My question though is how would i go about exporting my users table? Especially users passwords are an issue, as i obviously wont be able to get them out unhashed.

Google does allow me to import hashed passwords, but i cant seem to get that to work.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @holmoe - you should be able to use Xano authentication in Flutterflow so you don't have to move your users. Here's an example:

    You can export all your data from the settings page of your Xano workspace. Passwords in Xano are one-way encrypted - so they cannot be decrypted back to the original text. Meaning, you won't be able to decrypt the passwords and import them somewhere else - this would be a huge security risk if you were able to do so. If you do move your users to Firebase you will want to make sure to prompt your users to set new passwords.

  • holmoe
    holmoe Member

    @Michael Udinski will need to check this out! would definitely love to stick to one service and especially to xano.

    I have read somewhere though that notifications for instance won’t work without firebase but will need to verify this.

    I do understand that the encryption is one way only and would not have it any other way 😅 but read that it’s possible to import the hash directly to firebase, tested and was able to do it however it did not really work and I suspect it might have to with the salts.

    Will take a look at the video and hope all functionality works as that would solve my problem

  • holmoe
    holmoe Member

    Oh and thanks for the reply.. really appreciated @Michael Udinski

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes, if you want notifications, you need primary authentication (e.g. user/pass or phone number or google/social auth) with firebase.

    The two are compatible. Firebase then gives you an ID token you can redeem - for a Xano token! We have had a couple members in State Change Pro go through this process and we recorded the videos of their experience in our office hours. This lets you use Xano as a primary source of truth and authorization, while you use Firebase for identity management. Because you have the firebase identity, you can send push notifications much more straightforwardly.

    All that said, no you can't transfer the passwords. But you can identify the user with the email or whatever they used previously so that when they come along with a Firebase ID token, you can match them up with the existing record.

  • holmoe
    holmoe Member

    @Ray Deck thats super interesting, i am assuming i would need to pay to get access to that recording? :)

    Anyway, so we could potentially just whenever we create a user on xano using the video above, just create an entry in the firebase user collection and then use that for notifications.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Yes, create a user in Firebase and then use it to create aa user in Xano. The fact that you have the FB token will allow you to trigger outbound requests from Xano to trigger push notifications through FB to your FF users.