array as input


Hi all, I am in trouble using array as input in my stack.

In my case I have a "insured" table and a "policy" table. I am using filter by a custom query WHERE = (var_2 is a list of policy id, resulting from customer relationship and auth control). I tried to pass this list and got this error



ParseError: "" = [26,24], message=Lists are not supported.


but how to execute a search loop to each id until end of loop?

I have read question but the answer is not clear for me.

help please :)

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @thierry, based on your screenshot above, I would again recommend the IN operator. IN asks whether "A" is in ["A", "B", "C"]. So when the first argument is an int or a string, and the second argument is an array of same, you want to use IN.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    You want to use the "IN" operator for this job. = will test whether "A" is "A". IN will test whether "A" is part of ["A", "B"].

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    IN operator will returns for selected value only. So, do you mean to add this inside a loop ?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    If both are lists then you will want to use the OVERLAPS operator. IN is used to evaluate a single value "in" a list.

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    Hi Michael, thank you for this. Could you show us how to apply this ?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    @thierry no problem, this is accessible in the by custom query section of query all records:

    You can also use CONTAINS to accomplish the same thing:

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    Hi Mickael, thank you for this tutorial. Easy to follow, but when I passing two existing id in my input list I stills get this error:



    ParseError: "" contains [19,21], message=1st operand must be json or an array.


    //19 and 21 are db table existing reference ids.

    // my "inputlist" is Type: integer and structure: list selected.

    I saw I have the integer [] in red alert ?

    any idea ?

  • thierry
    thierry Member
    edited December 2022

    Hi Ray, thank you to both of you It' s ok this way.

    OVERLAP returns the same Type error than with =

    message is: "Input requires integer. Currently set to integer[]."

    but with a IN operator I got the result I looking for.

    Have a nice day :)