Slow load time in Bubble app

RayInBC Member

Hello to all and thank you for all the information available in this forum. I am new to the Xano platform.

I have set up a table with about 3700 records so not huge. I started building a page to see how it would all work. I found that the response time to load a simple get all records query was about 8 seconds :( - the same query from the Bubble DB, using the same data, was almost immediate. I built a page with 2 repeating groups side by side to compare.

The run time shown on the Xano DB was less than 1 sec so I believe there is something going on at the Bubble end but wanted to make sure I'm not missing something on the Xano side before I ask them for input.

The reason I decided to look at the Xano DB was due to very slow response times on Bubble using the fuzzy search feature for a table that is similar in size.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you



  • Eric DELOBEL-6030557

    Hey @RayInBC,

    Here is some elements that can help you. I also work with Xano & Bubble.

    It seems normal that when loading 3700 elements at once, it's a bit slow. What you could consider is to

    • Add pagination to your Xano Call. per_page in parameter.

    I have one integration that mimics the extensive vertical scrolling of bubble. So on page load, it loads just 20 items. And then I have a lazy loading that renews the call with a per_page +15 when the user scroll.

    So this way it's super fast and clean.

    I think also that the response delay is not really from xano call but from the ability of bubble to parse a json with 3700 records on your device.

  • RayInBC
    RayInBC Member

    Hi Eric - thank you.

    Limiting the display is definitely the best way to improve performance and doing it on Xano might be a good option. I'm still concerned about the ability to search large volumes of data using the fuzzy search plugin.

    I'm going to implement your suggestion and do some more testing.

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

    Cheers from Canada
