Bulk Update In DB



I know the question can be dumb but I have scanned all Youtube videos and researched. I have a Custom Function that filters the data and saving them into another DB table.

I also want to mark this DB as "processed". I have added a "processed" boolean in DB but I couldn't find a way to bulk update "ALL Records" in the given DB.

Attached is the screenshot for reference. Thanks!

Best Answer

  • evanwaller
    evanwaller Member
    Answer ✓

    Hey Ekuplu,

    From my understanding of the info you have presented, I would recommend you to:

    1. Query all records from your new DB table
    2. Use a for loop to iterate through all records within your new “processed” table
    3. Include an update record function that strictly changes the processed boolean to your desired value

    I hope this is what you were looking for. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
