Xano - AD (Active Directory) Integration


Good morning, I am in a special integration of authentication of a central portal, it must be integrated with AD for users to log in. Is there any way to connect or integrate an Active Directory in Azure with Xano and have the users authenticate? 

PS: the front end being used for this POC is WeWeb. 



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Doing a quick search I found their API documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-app-configuration/rest-api-authentication-azure-ad). So should be possible - Xano can connect to any REST or GraphQL API with the external API request function. That being said it can be tricky... I might recommend leveraging auth0 to help handle this for you since we already have a pre-built auth0 marketplace extension.

  • Yousuf
    Yousuf Member
    edited June 2023

    Hi @Michael Udinski can you please help us how to configure XANO Auth0 with Azure AD. Actually i want to use SSO with Azure AD and backend XANO apis. I will really appreciate if any help full material you can share.

  • Yousuf
    Yousuf Member

    Hi @Michael Udinski, I will be very thankful if you guide me how to implement single sign on with XANO using my Azure AD account. I only need guidance from XANO side how Azure AD token can authenticate on each XANO API call. Is there a middleware in XANO that we can used to check and authenticate each request before API request. Thanks

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Yousuf - You'll want to exchange the Azure AD token for a Xano token, then use the Xano token to authenticate your Xano APIs. Unfortunately, I don't have an Azure AD example for you but if you take a look at our OAUTH extensions (Google, Facebook, etc.) the concept is the same. The Oauth service will provide a token on successful authentication then you'll generate a Xano Authentication Token once that happens.

  • Yousuf
    Yousuf Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski for your kind reply. Actually i dont want XANO token i need to verify Azure AD token on each XANO api request. Can i add any middleware in XANO to validate Azure AD token on each XANO API call. Thanks again

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    I see two options then: one store the token in Xano, always pass it as an input and check to make sure it matches. Or if Azure has a validation endpoint, hit the external API first and make sure it returns a validated result before continuing your function stack. Both methods you'd want to implement preconditions to enforce that the token matches or is validated in order to continue with the rest of the logic.