Editing a post deleted it and now posting it's silently not working


Hi, I recently replied to this topic https://community.xano.com/discussion/4178751/help-to-resolve-a-js-error-when-connecting-to-an-external-api and after few minutes modified the reply to expand it with some resource (a link to a tutorial).

After clicking the "post" button the comment disappeared and now every new comment in that topic fails to be submitted without any warning or error. I thought it was a network problem, so I tried resubmitting it many times.

I checked the dev tools and I see I have been flagged as spam:

    "CommentID": "SPAM",
    "DiscussionID": 4178751,
    "DraftID": "844",
    "MyDrafts": "My Drafts",
    "CountDrafts": 0,
    "FormSaved": true,
    "DeliveryType": "VIEW",
    "Data": "",
    "InformMessages": [
            "CssClass": "Dismissable AutoDismiss",
            "Message": "Your comment will appear after it is approved."
    "ErrorMessages": "",
    "RedirectTo": "",
    "RedirectUrl": ""

The website never showed any message, it just allowed me to try to resubmit over and over and still my last suggestion for the tutorial has been refused.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @dorilama you ran against Vanilla Forum's spam blocker, looks like too many posts tried to go through at once, I manually overrode this

  • dorilama
    dorilama Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski ,

    I thint the original poster had the same problem. The topic is now full of duplicated posts from both of us.

    Whatever it is it's still happening: I tried to reply again but the post is not beying submitted. This time I know it has been flagged automatically again, but it should display a message or block the user from submitting the same post over and over again.

    Needless to say that it is impossible to help the original poster because it looks like every reply now will need your override.

    Anyway, I appreciate you took time to look into this, thanks a lot.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Once you verify your email you should be good to go. Any duplicates might be due to my manual override

  • dorilama
    dorilama Member
    edited December 2022

    I did verify my email yesterday.

    Anyway it looks like I can post now 🤷

    Again, thanks for your answer.