Versioning does not work in a meaningful way

mohan ramanujam
mohan ramanujam Member
edited January 2023 in ? Request a feature

Slightest changes to function stack causes version changes and before you know it the original code base is no longer visible in the version stack. Invariably I will see versions from the same day and have a problem recovering meaningful versions. Even if the length of the stack is extended I don't believe it will solve the problem. The best course of action, is to allow labeling of versions show both automated versions (up to a couple of days) and explicitly labeled versions that the user can recover.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    We have a new version of the function stack that will include improvements to make version history more meaningful. Keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks for a big announcement

  • mohan ramanujam

    i hope you allow us to name versions to retrieve them more easily (google docs does it that way)