How to i replace non-breaking spaces with normal spaces

Nathan Cox
Nathan Cox Member
edited January 2023 in ? Transforming data

I am receiving data which has, I believe, non breaking spaces. This is then causing a problem with my next API call.

How do I change the non breaking spaces to normal spaces on Xano? Is there a certain Regex replace I need to use?

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Nathan Cox
    Nathan Cox Member
    Answer ✓

    I figured it out!

    If anyone else has a similar issue: All I did was use the replace function. I copy and pasted a non breaking space for the 'what to replace' and typed a normal space for the replacement. Seemingly obvious but took me a while 😅


  • rbitente
    rbitente Member

    I am with this problem too.

    My problem is over import of data from a txt file, where some lines have LBSP.

    I tried replace by   or by copying the espaço and past into the replace, but nothing works, appear xano change this when import the data file because even trygin to substitute the 2 letters together and with space or with nbsp, he don't replace anything.

    everytime I tried to use lambda in this line this error appear

    ["$auth must be an object","$var must be an object","$env must be an object","$input must be an object","$global must be an object","code must be a string","timeout must be a number conforming to the specified constraints"]