Background Tasks - Can this be done


It's great that Xano provides a Background Tasks feature. I have a requirement and I wanted to understand if Xano's Background Tasks could handle this level of functionality.

This is the outline spec:

Get list of users that have registered during the previous 24 hours = newUsers.ToList();

foreach newUser in newUsers

  • select 'clubID'
  • search existingUsers  
  • If newUser.clubID == existingUser.clubID
  • send existingUser an email.

The email is a template where I would need to display values for: 



We can build this outside of Xano, but perhaps this is something we can do inside of Xano instead.


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    This all sounds pretty straightforward for running in a function stack. And any function stack can be run from a background task, so I think you are in good shape.
