Introducing Function Stack v2 with Team Collaboration ?

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


edited March 2023 in ? Announcements

We’ve launched a massive update to the Function Stack that features a Google-doc-like ability to edit your API simultaneously with your team! It also introduces draft support, bulk actions, an enhanced UI/UX, and more!

This is only the beginning. We have many more improvements coming soon!

What’s new?

Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration enables you to edit your API simultaneously with your team, just like a Google Doc. Real-time presence informs you when a team member is working on the same Function Stack as you at the top of the page with their initials. Each team member’s initials will be displayed on the function stack item they are currently editing. If someone attempts to edit a function at the same time, they will be blocked but can request access.

Real-time updates mean you will see all the changes made by your team members in real-time. This means no more needing to refresh your browser to see updates.

Global Presence shows where each team member in a workspace is working. You can easily click to jump to the same workspace location as another team member. From the Global Presence hub, you can also securely chat and notify everyone inside the workspace.

Multi-Tab Development

We understand many of you like to use multiple tabs when working in Xano, so all the features of Team Collaboration are supported for the individual builder too! See changes in real-time across all open tabs and avoid stepping on your own toes with presence in the same function stack.

Draft Support:

Draft support enables you to make edits to your endpoint and publish them when you’re ready. Drafts will keep track of each micro-change you (or your team members) make to a Function Stack, which you can easily roll back. Publishing your changes when you’re ready as a new version means Version History is more meaningful and useful.

What about Run & Debug for Drafts?

Run & Debug is aware of your live drafts meaning you can test your changes in Xano before publishing a new version. Run & Debug is also cognizant of all drafts across the workspace! This is especially useful if you’re working with a Custom Function and an API that it’s referenced in. Before publishing, you can use Run & Debug with your changes on both objects.

…And yes, this works seamlessly with Team Collaboration to include drafts from teammates or different tabs!

Run & Debug improvements

Speaking of Run & Debug, we made additional enhancements to boost development speed. Re-Run support allows you to re-run with the same inputs so you can quickly test changes made to your API. Sticky Run & Debug keeps the debugger open simultaneously when opening and editing individual functions providing in-depth context to your development on the same page without needing to re-run or switch tabs.

Bulk Actions & Search

The new Function Stack now comes with Bulk Actions: you can group functions together and enable, disable, or delete multiple functions at once. To select multiple functions simply Shift+click or Shift+drag across the function stack.

Finally, have you ever experienced the pain of finding a function or variable in a large Function Stack? We introduced Search at the top of the Function Stack to make it easy to quickly find the variable or function you’re looking for.

Thank you for your support! We couldn’t have made these changes without your feedback. We have more improvements planned for the function stack in 2023 and if you’d like to submit any requests, post a feature request!


  • Stefan Pointecker

    What an update! Great work!

  • George
    George Member

    After this update, I can't work, the performance is terrible. Browser Safari, Apple M1 Pro, 16Gb

  • mohan ramanujam

    Fantastic changes

  • CamB
    CamB Member

    Awesome changes, except drag and drop is very, very, very challenging to use in large function stacks. The view is exploded so everything has more space. I know what I'm dragging and keeping it the same size lets my feeble monkey brain process where I'm at, versus the exploded view changing the entire position of my function stack in relation to my viewport.

    Otherwise, 10/10.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    hI @George please use Chrome for the best possible experience. We're working on some fixes for Safari and FireFox but Chrome will always be the best experience.

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    @CamB we just released an update to drag and drop. Auto-scrolling works now and it takes up less vertical space. There is still room for improvement, but it should be much better.