How can I preserving image metadata during upload?


Hey all, I'm trying to build out a web and mobile app that needs some of the additional metadata and EXIF data from a photo. After a short test of the image metadata upload in Xano I noticed most of the photo metadata is stripped from the image.

Does anyone know of a way to maintain the photos metadata (DateTimeOriginal, GPSPosition) upon upload to Xano? I know this is possible with other tools like but just not sure how to do this with Xano.


Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey @bloyd the metadata Xano stores is what Xano uses for its internal file upload. If you need additional metadata you can definitely extract it from another tool with an API and store that in Xano.


  • bloyd
    bloyd Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski ! Makes sense. Xano looks like it as a very impressive product, so going to stick with it and find another solution for photo metadata. If you have any suggestions lmk. Ideally a web-based solution since we'll be collecting photos from an app, and web.