Send additional params via header for all endpoint in a group is creating CORS issue


I use draftbit for the front-end. I decided to add a couple of additional header variables to send to the server which I access the environment variable. When i return the results my webapp client throws a CORS flag for sending these additonal header in the request. What do I need to do on the server side to fix it or if there is a requirement on the client please indicate. I am attaching the the details from request history in Xano in pdf form. The two variables I added in addition to the regular Accept, Content-Type headers i added Testing-Cycle, Server-Release. You can see these in the pdf.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hmm all Xano APIs are CORS enabled. It's possible your Draftbit front-end doesn't like something and might be a good question for that side. But I can ask our engineers if they see anything obvious from the Xano side.