Forgot/Reset Password not using SendGrid


Since Xano is an auth platform it shocks me that there isn't an easier way to set up password reset stuff... I cannot use SendGrid cause the client refuses to use it, and pay for it. They prefer MailChimp and told me to find a different solution.

With that said, I am using Wized 2, and I'm trying to set up a password reset that:

Scenario 1

Makes an HTTP request to send an email via Outlook. The user can then click on the link in their email which will bring them to /auth/reset where the page remembers their email input and allows them to enter a new password.

Scenario 2

Xano generates a random 6-digit code and then makes an HTTP request to send an email via Outlook. This code needs to be held on to by Xano (or the browser?). The user can then click on the link in their email which will bring them to /auth/reset where the page remembers their email input, and code, which allows them to enter a new password.

For either scenario

In order to remember the code, or the email I will probably need a cookie, or URL parameter, correct? How can I have Xano save that code? What would this look like in Xano, and or Wized?

Lastly, why doesn't Xano have this natively built into their service 😩


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @keithen password reset can be done so many different ways and everyone has a different preference. For example, the Snippet I created leverages Magic Link with Sendgrid but Sendgrid is a no-go for your customer. The nice thing is about Xano is nothing in that solution is "under the hood" you could easily swap Sendgrid out for a different Email service provider (i.e. MailChimp).

    For the scenarios you are describing, I'd still recommend a Magic Link. In our solution, we use an encrypted token but you could choose to swap the token out for a 6-digit code instead.