Xano + FlutterFlow

BM Member
edited January 2023 in FlutterFlow


Anyone here who worked with Flutterflow with Authentication to full scale app and launched it on production.

Just wondering the pros and cons with flutterflow.

Thank you in advance.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023

    We have members of our State Change Pro community using flutterflow -including shipping to app store. We just held a (recorded - available to members) session on building and shipping with Flutterflow too. They are using firebase authentication with flutterflow to get the built-in auth types plus the push notifications, but redeeming that token for authorization/backend services. It seems like a pretty powerful platform!

  • Zak Katz
    Zak Katz Member

    Hey @Ray Deck - are members of your community using Xano JWT to authorize in the FlutterFlow/Firebase side, or the other way around?

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Our members use the built-in firebase authentication for initial login to get a google ID token, and then redeem the ID token to log in the user to the Xano backend and send back a Xano access token to authenticate future requests. Because you can look inside the google ID token to see email address etc, you can look up the user and add/fetch from your users table as necessarily. Because the ID token is cryptographically signed by google, you have trust in the provenance.

    We've gone over these pieces in our office hours - all recorded and retrievable by members of the community. This includes two "office hour extra" sessions we recorded that are all about flutterflow - heavily about authentication issues. One of our members recently shipped their product to the App Store using the authentication scheme discussed above.

  • Zak Katz
    Zak Katz Member
    edited February 2023

    @Ray Deck ah ok so here my idea.

    I have an external auth service that generates a JWT token. I tried passing that JWT directly into the Login with JWT option in FlutterFlow so that I could use the Firebase capabilities I need in my app. In testing, FF returns an error saying the JWT is not formatted correctly. I checked jwt.io and it looks like some of the required claims are missing from my auth server jwt.

    So my idea is to create a Xano API function, that sends the login request (which returns a JWT when successful) and then have some sort of Xano function that creates a Firebase compatible JWT to pass back to FF that I can use for authenticating with Firebase.

    Is that kind of setup covered by your member videos? If so, sign me up

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Interesting! You're using some other third-party social or federated authentication for your app, which you want to run through Flutterflow?

    Your idea for routing that through Xano is novel, and probably do-able! The novelty means I haven't seen it done just that way before, but sounds like a cool approach. The SCP office hours and ask-for-help forum are a great way to get help with the hardest parts of novel approaches, while the videos let you see how other people have handled other hard parts in the past.

    So if you decide to pursue this approach a mix might be helpful to you. Either way this is very cool!