how can i post api ?


so I am using Pega and I want to Export data from Xano to Pega with a post method.

and Pega is telling me that I have to post the data to their link.

and HTTP authentication header how can I do that ?


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You've hit a core use case of Xano - talking to the many APIs out there. You can set HTTP authentication headers under "headers" (it's an array of strings) and body elements (usually as an object) all in that interface.

    But the real question is what you need to talk to Pega! You'll need to the documentation for that API, and probably whatever API key or whatever they need. If you share more about what their docs say they need, maybe I or someone else here could help asynchronously?

    This is the kind of thing we do every business day in the State Change Pro office hours - talking to high-end APIs. That's because its the kind of thing that can feel impossible but actually starts to come apart with even a few minutes of help. Going around the horn and unsticking people so they can make better progress is all part of what we do.