How do I create an object of a database table schema type as in below:


What I am trying to accomplish is to define an object of a table schema type. See below. I have tried all I could and I only get an object of type object not of type employee_job_assignment object. I believe I am missing some details/step, please help.

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey @Alimama - Looks like your original screenshot is a regression, which will be fixed today in the build. However, your second photo looks like you are correctly creating the object! I probably would define each field within the object instead of using the DB link to try to define the schema however. That should give you the result you want.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Alimama - can you clarify where you are doing this? Is this in an input?

  • Alimama

    Many thanks @Michael Udinski . Unfortunately, I am not allowed to use a screencasting or mirroring tool. Here is what I did, the screenshots:

    Tried to create an object and then adding a scheme of the table I want as a type:

    When I was done, I got the following:

    I need the object type not to be just "object" but employee_job_assignment, as shown in the image in my question. I know I may be doing it wrongly. The aim is to have the object type as the database table schema type.