Real-Time Data


To build a messaging tool such as Discord, FB Messenger, or any modern "chat" application, there is a need for real-time data.

Google Firebase and Supabase support real-time data accessibility. Does Xano?

If yes, what does it look like or how do we go about accessing such a function?

If no, has there been discussion on supporting real-time data in the near future (this year)?

In my case we're using Webflow as the front-end with Wized as the middleware to Xano.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Matt - I'd recommend checking out the Ably real-time chat extension in the marketplace. Ably provides a real-time chat solution that can be integrated with Xano and your Webflow front-end

  • Matt
    Matt Member

    Thank you. Someone shared the video you had published (here for those interested) earlier today.

    One question I have is that I imagine the 'demo' is just for structural understanding. We can, however, use the APIs with our own UI designed within Webflow (and Wized) so it can function how we wish, correct?

  • Matt
    Matt Member
    edited January 2023

    One thing I noticed @Michael Udinski is after installing, the only API endpoints created are the following. Yet, in your video, there are several others. Additionally no database was created.

    Installation Error? User Error?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    So there's Ably Core and Ably Realtime Chat. Ably Core is the foundation for using Ably, Realtime Chat is a template that leverages Ably Core for Chat functionality. I believe Ably should provide some Javascript that you'll need to use on your front-end