How do I do this?


So I have two reviews that belong to two different users.

I also have a list table where the reviews are located.

Still, all of the users can access all of the reviews. How do I make it so only the owning user can see their review?

Best Answer


  • sbjorklind

    Thank you!

    So now that it's done I have another question. So like I showed I have a list request with reviews and then another list request where the reviews will be located. The user can post reviews and they will be displayed in the different list request items. Depending on which list request item you have opened it will show the review that you wrote in that list request. I think I have everything connected via relationships but there needs to be some kind of function that takes the review you post and put it into the right list request for the user to view, right?

    Also now I can only open the list items that already have a review in them, but as that is the place where you post your reviews that isn't good.