How to group entries based on relational data


Hi all, full disclosure, I'm a noob when it comes to working with APIs and databases ... trying to learn as I go 😬

Stack: Xano,

With that out of the way, here is the challenge that I'm facing right now.

What I'm trying to accomplish:

  • Create a digest page (each day, for every user) that will contain a list of creators and have posts (specific to the date they were saved) within that RG. (screenshot below)
  • Digests will be created each day for every user via background tasks...separate topic

Currently, I can go downstream (digest → posts → creator), but I can't figure out how to go (digest → creator → posts).

I have three tables (see API output below)

  • Digest (has many posts)
  • Post (has many creators and digests)
  • Creator (has many posts)

Any help appreciated!
