How to link Miro Board to Xano object

isabel Member
edited January 2023 in ? Working with APIs

I'm trying to create a Wiki by connecting a Xano object to a Miro board through its API, and then automating the process for subsequent links. How can I do this, please?

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Miro has a REST API and support for webhooks to allow tight, event-driven synchronization. I'd dig into their docs and do some experimenting on the connections you find interesting for your app!

    If you've already checked out the docs and have a more specific question, also glad to help!


  • isabel
    isabel Member

    Thanks a lot, Ray! It really helped.

    Miro's REST API does not support its mindmap function, which was my aim.