What is the best way to structure this database?



So just getting used to Xano and I want to know what you think would be the best way to structure this database. It is a 2-way marketplace where there are 2 types of users.

Brands & Creators.

Brands will create job listings with certain paramters (Age, niche, location, language etc...)

Creators will be see a list of job listings that correspond to their profile based on the parameters specified above.

Creators can apply for the job listing. Brands can view applications and accept a creator for the job.

As I understand it we will need a table for Job Listings. But would I need to have 2 tables for each type of user? Or is it best practice to have all users in one table?

How else would you structure it ? Any general advice for future proofing the db design?



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I'd have a table for brands and a table for creators. Then the choice is to have two auth regimes (brands and creators) or a single "user" table that links/references the brand or creator with which it goes. (If a single user goes with multiple creators/brands, one might reverse that link or introduce relationship tables).

    The most important part is a structure that makes sense in your own head. THere are multiple right answers. Perhaps more importantly, you'll likely have to rebuild this in the near-medium term based on a market learnings. Put yourself in a position to learn faster by shipping faster the model that makes sense to you today.

  • hicksmadison

    How do you create two seperate authenticaitons? I am having issues if you will please read my latest question on my profile for details.