Is it possible to monitor errors?

eldynn Member
edited January 2023 in ❓Other questions

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if it is possible to monitor errors of the endpoints like Make (ex Integromat) or how you guys are doing it?

That way if there are errors they are not overlooked silently.

P.S. : Make allow to retry failed endpoint by storing in queue the inputs, is it possible in an easy way with Xano?

Have a nice day!



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @eldynn - you can take advantage of API Request history to see the last 24 hours of every call made. We've seen some users introduce a logs table in their own workspace to monitor things but we definitely want to expand the eyes and ears on monitoring.

    The inputs of every API call are stored in the API Request history. You can easily select the copy button to copy the payload in order to paste it in the debugger and manually run to help debug anything :)

  • jackb
    jackb Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski. That's helpful.

    Is there any way to do this automatically for background tasks that error out? In an ideal world, we'd be able to push ourselves a Slack message or email if a background task fails (like how Zapier does).

    Perhaps we could return the result of an API call in the function stack, then add an conditional If/Else where if we've returned an error, trigger a custom function to Slack ourselves. Thoughts?

  • Lefteris -

    Hello @jackb,

    Your idea is good, I would suggest the same but keep in mind that in this case you only get to see the http errors (just like in the API Request History).

    In case you want to monitor logic errors as well, you could something similar by using preconditions.