How Can I access to Env Variables?


Let me explain a little bit. 

I am working on two workspaces for two different applications and in both I installed the "reset your password" snippet.

In the first one everything normal, through configuration I can see the ENV VARIABLES (mine and the system's) and configure them from there. With this in the API calls I can access them normally.

(Images from workspace 1)

In the second workspace, after installing the snippet, my environment variables do not appear, so I can't use them in API calls either. Is it because of something in particular? Is it because I used them before in another workspace?

(Images from workspace 2)

I consider myself fairly new to XANO and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or it's something about the new updates.

Thanks in advance.

(I apologize if my English is not correct. I try to translate myself, but I rely on translation tools anyway, just to be sure).

Best Answers

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Environment Variables are specific to each workspace. This is part of ensuring data and business logic are appropriately separated between workspaces.

    You can use the same values in different workspaces but you'll have to re-add them.

  • EdChan
    EdChan Member
    Answer ✓

    It is solved! 

    I don't know why, but I guess it is just a refresh of the page. I don't remember if I didn't try that before, but that's the only thing I did right now and the environment variables just appeared. 

    So, if this happens to you, try to F5. Maybe that works.


  • EdChan
    EdChan Member

    @Michael Udinski but when I install the snippet in the workspace, shouldn't be added the variables automatically?

    I've re-installed the snippet in the second workspace and as you can see I can configure the variables in MarketPlace -> Purchased -> Password Reset.

    @Michael UdinskiBut when I try to access it through an API call (as normal) there are no environment variables from the snippet.

    And also not on the General Settings page as shown in the 4th image of the original post.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    It sounds like there was some caching in your browser @EdChan - glad the refresh worked!