LinkedIn style database, how to in Xano



I would like to create a beck end where user can create an account and populate it's details.

For example, let say that she is putting in information about her education.

Masters in something from 2016-2019 description of masters

Bachelor in something from 2013-2016 description of it

Now, do I have to create a database with loads of columns like this:

Degree_1 Field_1 Description_1 From_1 Till_1 Degree_2 Field_2 Description_2 From_2 Till_2

Or I can have columns defined once, and then populate data in rows.

Degree Field Description From Till

The reason tells me that it is the second option, but I don't know even how to begin with it. How to designate n amount of rows to that one person. What happens if I have two persons filling in in the same time?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially end to end tutorial. :p

Best Answer

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi, Dino. What we really need here is a way to make sure each row has a way to identify who it belongs to. So, as an example, your database structure might look like this:

    Degree, Field, Description, From, Until, user_id

    That user_id field will be a table reference column that refers back to the user table, so that each user's data will be tied to them in this education table. Here's some documentation on relational data that should get you going.