Adding Blog Comments to Webflow using Xano! Comment and blog-post fail to communicate.

Dino Member

Hello Chris,

I have been trying to solve this for few days now, watched tutorial over and over again, but just can't seem to figure out the errors.

  1. Slugs are not being sent to the back end when I press submit button, at least that is what it seems like
  2. Blog posts don't show time in correct format
  3. The new blog post is added to the end
  4. When form is submited comments table and blog-post table don't communicate

And the interesting thing is, when I try to do it in Xano it all seems to work.

POST api:

when I run it, it all looks good, data bases get populated correctly!

GET api

when I run it all looks good, the timestamp format is changed!

When I try through the Webflow:

date is shown in the wrong format

When I add new comment:

The comment is shown on the last place, and data only gets populated in comment table, but it doesn't move to the blog-post one.

Link of the blog post


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey, Dino. Taking things one at a time.

    If the slugs are not populating properly, that's going to put a wrench in pretty much everything else. I notice in your screenshot that your slugs contain spaces -- these would typically not contain spaces as they are pulled right out of the page URL in webflow ( unless these are just values you were using to test inside Xano. You'll want to check the request history for the POST API that adds comments, and make sure that those incoming requests contain the necessary data. If they don't, this is going to be a problem on the WF side.

    For the time not showing up in the proper format, make sure you've published your changes since adding the loop.