Basic (I think) question on importing an array from one table to another


I am stuck on importing some arrays from Bubble into a Xano table.

I understand that Xano CSV import does not handle arrays/lists. So I first imported the relevant arrays into Airtable and then from Airtable into a separate 'imported table' in Xano.

Now I want to import what is in the array fields in the 'imported table' into my larger Xano table.

I am running a for each loop on the array in the 'imported table', using a push function to add each item to the field in the larger table. However only the final item in the array ends up in the Xano table. I think that the earlier items in the list are being over-written when the for-each loop runs (as only the last appears in the larger Xano table). I can't work out why it is over-writing rather than appending.

I originally ran this without 2.3 but read in another thread that I may need to first create an empty array outside the for-each loop. This isn't giving a different result one way or the other though.




Best Answer

  • Antony H
    Antony H Member
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out (at least it seems to work).

    Here's the solution. I just needed to create an empty array and then merge the relevant record and field (array) into that array - then save it into the target table. 😁
