How to use variable within Query All Records `includes` custom query


Hi Xano community. We're attempting to use the text value returned from an outside API within our Query All Records request using includes to identify any rows within Xano table contain the variable's stored text value.

We're receiving a null response when we use our variable (see below):

I believe to make this work we must ensure the variable's resulting text string is enclosed by %. Is that right? If so, can you please advise? Much appreciation in advance.

Best Answer

  • forgelab
    forgelab Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi again. We figured it out; we were incorrectly utilizing concat and have made some updates. If anyone else encounters this issue and needs help, feel free to reach out. Cheers.


  • forgelab
    forgelab Member

    One clarification: when we key-in the variable's text value manually the request returns the expected result (ie. does not return `null`). So, in short, when we use our variable = null, but static text value = success; so how must we update our variable handling so that it also works when used?