Machine Learning models in Xano


Hey there!

When using a Python-based backend, it was quite easy for me to generate machine learning models or neural networks in the backend, or pass data through an existing model, before pushing it to the front end.

"Easy" as in, Python or R both have lots of libraries for ML up for grabs, for example.

Are there any ways to make this happen using Xano?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Xano is world-class as a data router, but not so much as a high-intensity compute engine. The best ML solutions I have seen use Xano to call third-party APIs (including, say serverless functions you might deploy yourself) to run inferences on ML models.

    There are always exceptions! I've made gradient descent systems (mostly excel "solver" types) that run entirely no-code in the function stacks.

    So many things are possible, but for what I suspect you want to do, shifting that work to an external service or serverless function is probably the lowest-friction path.