Table Column - Settings - Filter length not working correctly ?

Mr_English Member
edited February 2023 in ? Working with APIs

We want to set the maximum number of characters of an input field to 500 characters. We set the value of 500 in the Settings - Filter parameter - see screenshot below. When we tested it, we got an error message - second screenshot.

However, if we set the value to 100 or 50 characters, it works.

Is it the case that the max length of a text column is 125 characters? The documentation doesn't state a limit.

Best Answers

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Not quite! In the API endpoint, you can select any of the inputs that are tied to your database table, and click "Remove Database Link" on the input settings. You can then add a new input, choose Database Link, and select your table again.

  • Mr_English
    Mr_English Member
    Answer ✓

    @Chris Coleman We detached the API as you described and this solved our problem. Please let us know when the fix is in. Thanks.


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, Mr_English. This is reproduced by setting the limit to one value, creating an API endpoint using database link (which also then carries over those filters to your input), and then changing the limit in the database view. It appears that the updated limit is not updating automatically. For now, if you change the limit on the DB side, you can just re-add the database link to your API and this should solve the issue. I'll pass this to engineering to see if we can get these changes to auto-populate in the future.

  • Mr_English

    @Chris Coleman "you can just re-add the database link to your API" - do you mean delete the API and re-create it ?