No–Code Powered Web Components: Connect Xano with


Hi guys, have been working on a passion project in the backround the last couple months, introducing Custom Blocks… a library of No-Code powered Web Components for use with Softr apps! The web app is itself built with Softr ( 8)… current web components include a Saved List Web Component which works with native Softr list blocks, it makes it easy to create “favourites” or “save for later” lists or any other kind of list really where you would like to enable your users to save or store items from a list or list details block for later viewing. More recently, a list block which enables you to display data from your Xano database in a list block in your Softr has been added to the library… New youtube video on it here 

I plan to keep adding to this library. Thanks for reading and watching, and keep building!!!

