how can I generate a CSV with only 1 column of data?

Xano Support Chat
Xano Support Chat Administrator


edited February 2023 in ❓Other questions

I need to generate a csv from an array with a list of numbers. But when generating it is putting the numbers in the csv in one row instead of 1 per line. How can I do this?

Best Answers

  • Xano Support Chat
    Xano Support Chat Administrator


    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    Instead of object brackets {} you'll want to use array brackets []. Here's an example of what you have to do so that the data is only located in one column and multiple rows:

  • Xano Support Chat
    Xano Support Chat Administrator


    Answer ✓

    You basically have to put [ ] around each of the items; that will indicate each row. Hope that helps!