Can two different companies/ projects use same database and authentication?

Xano Support Chat
Xano Support Chat Administrator


edited February 2023 in ❓Other questions

Is it possible to set Xano up such that two different project share the same user database and user authentication? For example, Uber and Uber Eats are two different websites but have the same users and share the same authentication.

Best Answer

  • Xano Support Chat
    Xano Support Chat Administrator


    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    Sure, you can work within 1 single workspace so both entities would have access to the same databases and authentication requirements. That would definitely be the simplest solution.

    Alternatively, if you wanted to keep it separate and share authentication, you could call the authentication endpoints as external API requests, specifically leaning on the /auth/me endpoint that is generated by default to check if a user is authenticated before proceeding with any other execution. This differs from how authentication is typically handled because you will have to build your own calls and preconditions to handle the result of that /auth/me call, and on the APIs that are not contained in the workspace that has the user table, native auth would be disabled.