How to use Xano in Webflow Ecommerce without using native Webflow CMS


Hey @Xano Support Chat or any others in the community.

New here but stoked to be here!

For context, I'm looking at using Xano to build out a marketplace where products can be sold from multiple different supplier that each have their own products. I want to connect to my own API (not in Xano).

Does Xano work with the Ecommerce functionality? Ideally I don't want to use the Webflow CMS but wondering then how this will affect building a cart and purchasing products...



  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey, Rheedm. I don't think you'd be able to utilize the Webflow Ecommerece features without also utilizing the CMS. Now, you can sync your Webflow CMS and your Xano database and kind of have the best of both worlds, but it's a tricky implementation.

    The ultimate recommendation here is to have all of your data live in Xano and not utilize the ecommerce features of Webflow.

  • Rheedm
    Rheedm Member

    Hey Chris,

    Thank you for your answer - appreciate it!

    Hmm yea ideally I want to avoid the Webflow CMS due to the 10,000 CMS item limitations... Having a large marketplace this would quickly be filled up and then scale is halted.

    So if I was to have all data in Xano or any other 3rd party database, how would you suggest having ecommerce features on the site without utilising the native Webflow ecommerce?

    Really appreciate your help!

    Cheers, R

  • Yassine
    Yassine Member


    You can used for this :)

  • Rheedm
    Rheedm Member

    Hi @Yassine,

    Thanks for your answer. How would Wized handle ecommerce in this situation?

    Also I know Wized trial is locked to invite only. Do you have a invite code by chance or anyone here for that matter? :)


  • Yoonsun Lee
    Yoonsun Lee Member
    edited April 2023

    You can use SHOPIFY API and webhooks to integrate xano/webflow. I just built a 30,000 product PIM with Xano. (Make an APP in Shopify , create a Headless Feed, load in Webflow)
    Getting the Products and Users from Shopify API can be done with the Shopify Lite account. It is $9/month plus Webflow CMS.

    Structure your Xano DB/API with this Schema. .

    Make an App in Shopify and set up keys in Xano. Both Shopify and Webflow have RATE Limits. Xano is a brilliant solution to manage this limitation.