Have you launched your app with Xano? Want a chance at a free Xano T-shirt?

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


edited April 2023 in ? Announcements

Hi all,

If you've officially launched your project with Xano, we'd love to hear about it! We'll send you a free Xano T-Shirt as a thank-you while supplies last.

👉 Just answer a few short questions here



  • Weby Agency

    I'm in the process, hopefully just a couple of months :)

  • Inayet
    Inayet Member

    I have, however, my use case is using Xano as the central point in connecting a CRM (HighLevel), Price Prediction ML Models (Akkio), Google's NLP (Dialogflow CX), and hopefully doing more awesome stuff with Xano.

  • Inayet
    Inayet Member

    Hello @Michael Udinski , I created a post in the exper for hire, but I kept editing casue I would notice spelling error that were not flagged, and a little later my post was taken down for review. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Steve Stava
    Steve Stava Member
    edited February 2023

    I have published my new app to production and linked a custom domain!

    It uses Xano (of course!) and UIFlow. It is integrated with Sendgrid and Google map APIs.I have done my “happy path” testing and it is working  . I need to run through some exceptions to see if I have handled at least some of the non-happy path scenarios...that being said feel free to give it a try and share your good (or honest!) thoughts.

    - issue #1 is to make it responsive. It almost is.


    The app is pretty straightforward. When you sign up it will geo-locate you (have to give permission) and then retrieve restaurants in your area. I have it set to a 5 mile radius.Then, instead of trying to figure out where you want to eat, you let the app pick for you.

    You can also exclude a specific restaurant or any restaurant with a matching name.

    You can also go into Settings and add your name or more importantly have it geolocate you for your current location (assuming it has changed) so you can be anywhere and get a restaurant recommendation within a few miles of where you are.

    That’s it!

  • nelson artunduaga

    A few days ago I completed the registration! I hope that t-shirt will be mine! haha
    In a few days, we will start a course in support of a governmental program in Colombia on web apps development, with webflow + xano + wized !🔥🔥🔥

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    After almost a year and a lot of iterations VVinU is finally live. I would like to thank Xano team for an awesome tool that made it possible for me to create this app alone.

    VVinu is A mobile app where users can compete with people around the world in virtually anything while providing brands with viral word-of-mouth marketing.
    Unleash your competitive spirit — connect with people worldwide: create or join challenges in almost any area of life interests, knowledge, passions, hobbies and skills!

    App store:   https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/vvinu/id1659284678?l=en
    Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vvinu.vvinu

    VVinU is build with Xano+Bubble with integrations such as Auth0, SightEngine, OpenAI, Bunny.net and more.

    Next big step will be to change Front-end from Bubble to FlutterFlow in the next couple of months