Column based on concatenate values from other columns


Hi there,

Im new to Xano, this may be an obvious question but I’m looking to have a column that’s is a concatenate formula from other values columns within the same record. Any guidance is highly appreciated.


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So this is where using the function stack can be helpful. You can just do the math/manipulation on the other info and update your other field.

    But you can do better! In many cases, this calculated field is mainly for delivering to the end user. In that case, instead of saving the calculated variable to the database, calculate the value in the function stack after pulling it out!


  • sebaspindu

    Thanks for the quick response, in case I needed it to do the concatenate function across the whole data base how does the loop works in that case?