New External Sorting doesn't function properly


Hi there,

The new simple mode for External sorting is not functioning correctly

Also just an FYI, the example JSON code you have provided in the docs isn't a valid JSON.

The structure of the JSON looks the same on both old and new, and when I test it on the classic version it functions correctly, but it doesn't on the simple version.

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    Got it! I think the documentation is just wrong in this case. The correct shape (or at least what works for me) is:

    [{"sortBy": "fieldName", "orderBy":"desc"}]

    Note that the wrapping object and "sort" key are absent from the above!

    (Click-through in Xano: create array, then push a blank object, on which one sets the sortBypath to "fieldName" and the orderBy path to "desc")

    This kind of tricky business between-the-lines of the docs comes up a lot in our daily State Change Pro office hours.
