External API problems


Just getting started with Xano. I am trying to set up an external API. I have it working in Postman. I am getting a "resource not found" response in Xano.

From my debugger:

{input: {url: https://api.mlsgrid.com/v2/Property,
method: POST,
params: {$filter: OriginatingSystemName eq 'carolina' and ModificationTimestamp gt 2020-01-01T01:39:07.871Z and MlgCanView eq true,
$expand: Media,Rooms,UnitTypes
headers: [Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,br
timeout:ignore: true,
follow_location:ignore: true
vars: [0]

Should the parameters be added to the URL? Something else I'm missing?

