Semi Xano Expert Here, Willing to Share Knowledge To Helping Others Without Expecting Anything

Inayet Member
edited February 2023 in ?‍? Find an Expert

Been using Xano for over a year, and since that time have learned a lot, a lot more to learn. Willing to teach, share knowledge and experiences I have with using Xano without expecting anything in return, at the same time, you must be willing to learn as well.

One of my secret sauce, which has helped me to overcome so many obstacles is the PRO Group offered by @Ray Deck, he is a true master to help you become better faster. The PRO Group has multiple weekly meetings where you can get the help, guidance that you need to overcome the road blocks.

Fyi, I am a paying member of the PRO Group, and do not benefit financially from you joining. I am only mentioning the PRO Group because I have and continue to benefit a lot from being a member of the PRO Group.