Multiselect dropdown


I have a multiselect dropdown in Adalo. The field is only showing one selected option in Xano even when more are chosen. Is there a way I can show all options that the user selected in Xano? I have attatched screenshots.

Best Answer


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @hicksmadison - it sounds like you will want a list (array) here instead of a single field. You may want to do an Enum list since it looks like the options are predefined. Keep in mind, this will change the structure of your input and potentially other logic as it is related to the field

  • hicksmadison

    Hi Michael, I have tried that also. I have read in the Adalo forums that a multiselect dropdown field will not transfer to CSV format. (The multiselect dropdown feature has to be installed from the marketplace it is not standard)

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    I have read in the Adalo forums that a multiselect dropdown field will not transfer to CSV format.

    Will not transfer to CSV format in Adalo or are you creating the CSV in Xano?

  • hicksmadison

    I am using Xano for the entire backend. The input is coming from the frontend Adalo. Whenever the API is triggered to send the selected options on this dropdown to Xano only the last selected option is showing up. I attatching a pic of the component I installed on the Adalo Marketplace.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    @hicksmadison you might need to reach out to Adalo support to see what format they send the data from their marketplace dropdown component. Once we know this, we can adjust the endpoint in Xano to work with whatever data type Adalo sends. … (I'd suspect if they're only sending one value and it's a multi-select, there might be a bug or a configuration missing on the Adalo side).

  • Landon
    Landon Member

    Hi Michael I'm having the same issue in Webflow. Ive tried Enum field type. Ive tried all sorts of custom code. Either it doesnt work at all or I just get one of the multiple selections. I'm using the native multiple select dropdown element in webflow. I also selected multiple dropdown.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Landon from the backend perspective, you'll want an API that returns a list of the possible values for the drop-down selector. However, I'm unsure about Webflow for displaying that API result in a specific drop-down component. I would check their documentation or support for doing so

  • Landon
    Landon Member

    Thanks Michael. I'm using Xano's API. The two products are highly integrated so I'm surprised this isnt simpler. Do you have any other ideas?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    unfortunately I don't have enough Webflow knowledge. Maybe try asking others in the community about this specific Webflow use-case?