Adalo Signature Component

hicksmadison Member
edited February 2023 in Adalo

Does anyone have any expierence with the adalo front end signature ocmponent? I want the signatures to be saved in my xano database. It seems that Adalo stores the signature as base64 format.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    What's the issue you're facing with this?

    Some background: Base64 and the data URI is a text specification that's easy enough to save into a text field in your database, and that maintains integrity. You can download the Data URI right back into an image elmeent on your front end for display. And since its in your database, it's pretty darn secure.

    If you really want to store it as a binary image in Xano files, you can convert it to a PNG or some such with a few lines of function stack. I wouldn't do that for most use cases, but your mileage might vary!

  • hicksmadison

    I figured it out thanks!