What happens to a task if a loop fails a precondition?


I'm hoping that if my tasks hit a failed precondition, that they would just move on to the next item in the list.

If it stops the task entirely, I'll have some re-engineering to do…


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    A precondition stops the whole function stack. There is, however, under Data Manipulation → Loops a function called “continue” that would do what you're looking for - stop processing the current loop and move to the top of the block for the next item in the list. Put that continue in an “if-then” conditional that mirrors the condition you use for the precondition today to mirror the logic but get the functionality you want.

  • Erin
    Erin Member

    @Ray Deck Thank you so much! I definitely have some preconditions to replace…