Upload and Map XLSX file to database


Hi everyone

Wondering if this is possible in Xano?

We are wanting to upload a XLSX file and map the data on a particular tab to the database based on a preset mapping list (ie. Field 1: C10, Field 2L H112, Field 3: A3)

Is this possible with Xano or do we need to custom code this up?



Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Xano can handle a CSV but not a full-on XLSX. If you can make your upload a CSV, you get to play on easy. If it's XLSX, I would make use of a third-party service to convert to a format Xano can use, like CSV. I haven't used it myself, but convertapi.com seems to have an online service for this job. So a user could upload the XLSX to Xano, Xano could run an external API request to ConvertAPI to transform the file, and then work with the output for further transformation.

    If you are looking for more control over the code, you can set up a serverless function with a service like Netlify - they have a pretty generous free tier, and you can use your choice of NPM packages (e.g. xlsx or sheetsjs) to handle your transform. That would save you some service fees but of course put the responsibility of building the service and managing it back on your team. I've used this approach when what I need is fairly specific and not (easily) done with no-code or a TP service.


  • brickroad

    Thanks @Ray Deck Would you be available to asist with this or recommend a developer?