Creating product comparison pages in Webflow


Hey all,

I run a user generated review site that's hosted on Webflow.

I have just under 800 projects listed on the site. One of the key functionalities I don't have is the ability for users to compare product A and Product B. Think simsilar to the linked page below.

Is there a way I could use Xanbo to help achieve this?

Doing it wholly in Webflow is not viable as I'd have to create a new collection and add each comparison manually. Which would be like 799 projects multiplied by the 799 projects I'd compare them against.

I had a dev help on something similar in the past where we set up a placeholder page with dynamic content elements to be replaced.

Wondered if it's possible to do the same here?

Set up one page with dynamic text replacement elements and have it pull the relevant information from Xano to populate the page with the relevant info.

The other element that's a must-have would be each comparison page would have to have it's own URL for search purposes.

So each page would have to be…

Anyone done anything like this or can help me action it?



  • PJBoyle
    PJBoyle Member

    Just realised the link wasn't added.

    It's one of the compare pages on G2.

    www.g2. com/compare/asana-vs-wrike

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    The G2 page is SEO-optimized as a static page. Its business model is to draw search traffic. Is that also what you are going for? I ask because your business goal will drive what kind of answer gives you the result you want in the complexity you're going for.

    If what you want is SEO-optimized, you can use Xano to automatically populate the collections in Webflow to get this high N of CMS-generated pages - without any manual work. We have a member in State Change who worked on just that feature for his site. It was a clever solution!

  • PJBoyle
    PJBoyle Member

    Hey @Ray Deck .

    Yup, this is exactly the same thing I'm aiming for.

    Ideally the pages will have custom URL structure to be able to rank for A vs B type pages.

    Are you saying this is possible in Xano?

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    The way I would go about it is to use a background task in Xano iterating over each pair of your list of products a to update/replace the CMS records that will be for each intersection in Webflow as necessary. That separates the jobs of your static site generator (e.g. webflow with CMS) from your underlying data store and combinatorial logic (e.g Xano).

    One note: check the page limit on your plan against the number of combinations. The latter can get… large. If you were building a really dynamic app, this might not matter - one page can hold a bunch of permuations via XHR-loaded data. But for SEO, you want the pages to all exist and be static so google et al can find them.

  • teamsubi
    teamsubi Member

    I was also looking for the same solution!

    To Ray Deck

    U saying if i sign up on State Change, i can see the solution?